Health & Safety
Your camper’s health and safety is our top priority. We pride ourselves in having a completely remodeled, air-conditioned Health Center. All of our rooms are equipped with TVs and our caring medical staff is there to make sure that when campers are feeling sick they are getting all of the extra comforts of home. We have 4-6 RNs on staff 24/7 that live in the health center. There is also a physician on call 24/7.

Camp Lindenmere is located under 1 mile from the local fire department, police station, and ambulance station. The nearest hospital is just 3 miles away. Mitch Garfinkel, our Owner/Director for the past 18+ years, has over 30 years of experience in personal injury law. He takes that knowledge to all areas around camp. We are constantly looking at our activity areas, public use areas, and bunks to make sure that everything is being run in the safest possible manner and that our facilities are kept to the highest standard.