Chappaqua, NY


7th Year Camper,

“Camp has definitely shown me that I am capable of more than I had ever thought.”

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Stepping off the bus seven years ago as a scarred little eight year old, I had no idea what to expect. But looking back camp has definitely shown me that I am capable of more than I had ever thought. I’ve done things I never thought I would, like twisting down from a silk 50 feet in the air, zip lining through the trees, and even going to kangaroo court! Through my seven years I’ve made memories that will last a lifetime. Whether it be getting trapped in the rapids on trip day or lunch time cheers or even me and me and my friend’s yearly tradition of throwing water balloons at Wes, the best friends I could ever make were there with me. To some people camp might seem like just a way to spend your summer but at Lindenmere they turn friends into family for six unforgettable weeks every year.


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